Hassle-free returns
If you are not satisfied with your purchase, we can offer a refund (minus the value for shipping) within 7 days from receipt of the product. A restocking fee of 15% based on the retail value of the item will be applied to cover return shipping costs. All returned items will be subject to 15% restocking fee and shipping is non refundable.

Each piece is handcrafted by our artisans using reforested Teak we grow in our own forests. Capturing carbon while flaura and fauna can thrive freely.
Shipping policy
In-stock items ship in 5-10 business days. Made to order items ship in 10-12 weeks.
Standard shipping rates include curbside delivery. Please message us for upgraded delivery service.
Cancellation policy
In Stock items can be canceled within the first 3 days after purchase date due to buyers remorse.
Cancellation policy
Made to Order items can be canceled within the first 3 weeks after purchase date due to buyers remorse (as expected lead times are 10-12 weeks).
If canceled after these grace periods, buyers are subject to a 15% restocking fee.
Return policy
If you are not satisfied with your purchase, we can offer a refund (minus the value for shipping) within 7 days from receipt of the product.
A restocking fee of 15% based on the retail value of the item will be applied to cover return shipping costs.
All returned items will be subject to 15% restocking fee and shipping is non refundable.
Same. But different.
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